This recipe, found online, calls for golden raisins (sultanas), which may be hard to find. Dark raisins work just fine. The rum, however, should be dark, not light. A spiced rum can be used.
This sauce can be made ahead and refrigerated until needed. When ready to serve, heat sauce gently and stir it well to prevent separation.
This recipe came to mind recently when a friend asked me if I remembered drinking gluhwein with her many years ago at Chicago’s annual December Christchild Market. Indeed, I do remember. I also remember enjoying salty warm pretzels and bratwurst. For several years, I made gluhwein at home and drank it out of the souvenir mug in which I first enjoyed its warmth at the frosty outdoor market, the largest in the world outside of Germany. Then one year, I dropped the mug, breaking it. Oh well, I can still enjoy the glowing warmth of gluhwein. Now in 2020, the Year of Covid-19, this wondrous fairytale market that has enchanted adults as well as children has gone virtual, like so many of the things we have perhaps taken for granted. Literally meaning ‘glowing wine,’ this German drink will give you a glow of warmth during the lengthening days leading to the Winter Solstice. Traditionally served at every outdoor Kriskindlmarkt (Christchild Market) that springs up during Advent in German and Austrian cities and towns, it also hits the spot indoors, especially in front of a roaring or glowing fire. My niece Anya wowed the family one Christmas (at the age of ten!) with this amazing Cheesecake. Pictured is a later effort of Brian's. INGREDIENTS Nutrition
Laure and I share grandchildren, Nani and Milo. This recipe was her contribution to the family cookbook a few years back. My brother David provided the translation that follows. Laure lives with her husband Tomi Nikolic in Nantes France. Triangle Feuilleté (épinards et feta) Laure Nikolic Pâte feuilletée épinards et feta (selon le goût on met + ou – de ces ingrédients) Sel, poivre 1 œuf Bien mélanger épinards, feta et œuf, le mélange doit être sec. Disposer sur la pâte feuilletée en forme de triangle. Pour que la pâte dore il faut la badigeonner avec du jaune d’œuf mélangé avec un tout petit peu d’eau. Mettre à four chaud 20mn environ. Pastry Triangles Spinach and Feta Translation by David Whiting Puff Pastry Spinach and Feta – you add these ingredients according to taste Salt, Pepper 1 egg Mix spinach, feta and the egg well, the mixture must be dry. Place on the puff pastry that has been formed into a triangle. Cover with another piece of pastry. To make the pastry glisten spread a mixture of egg yolk mixed with a little water Place in a hot oven for about 20 minutes. |
May 2021
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