I’m writing this because I just watched another movie that I think bears talking about. In IMDB it has been discussed, but not necessarily among the group that partakes in the Abiquiu News, so I decided to give it a try. If it’s accepted, then I’d like to write about some other movies that I find particularly noteworthy.
I just watched the movie Prey. It’s a 2022 prequel to the science fiction action movie Predator, from 1987. Now, I understand that you may not be a Sci-Fi fan, an action movie fan, or an Arnold Schwarzenegger fan, but hear me out. Arnold isn’t in this one. The story takes place in 1719, in the plains of what is to become the U.S., among a tribe of Comanche. Fortunately, the movie stars Native American people, and they were ALL excellent. The director hired a Comanche production designer that kept many accurate details in place which helped authenticate the feel of the movie. Filming in Canada, however, was not one of them. The DVD has an audio track in full Comanche. The hero of this feature is a young Comanche woman who tends to defy the conventions of her tribe. Her brother isn’t exactly encouraging, but he does stick by her. Meanwhile, an alien lands and begins hunting. Starting with animals, he gets a feel for the predators in the area, eventually working his way up the chain. The surprising thing about the whole movie is how little it feels like a Predator film. I liked the Schwarzenegger version, but this feels very different. It feels much more real. I don’t know why, but it feels way less Hollywood. Maybe that’s why it got so little attention. It almost doesn't fit in any genre of movie. The hero, Naru, is strong and talented, but not experienced. She’s smart, she practices hunting, she’s fierce, but she’s also vulnerable and still learning. Her older brother helps her, almost begrudgingly supports her, but does not encourage her. It feels like a low budget film with great special effects, where needed. While I liked the original, which is definitely more of a screaming movie, this one talks at you in a normal voice and tells an amazing tale. I’m including a link to the Roger Ebert web review Here: Prey movie review & film summary (2022) | Roger Ebert I’m including another review worth reading from a Native American writer HERE: 'Prey' #NativeNerd review: The Best Predator Movie Ever! - NATIVE VIEWPOINT Prey is available to stream on Hulu or available as a DVD. I watched this with my brother. The next night we watched Predator. Neither of us thought it held up well. It was still good, but definitely outdated a bit.
1 Comment
11/19/2023 07:07:38 pm
This was such an unusual movie. It's a shame Disney didn't have the cojones to actually promote it. First off, it puts the Native Americans front and center as protagonists. I have no idea if it is an historically accurate depiction of Commanche life in 1719 (other than being visited by Alien Predators) but it sure felt like it was. Plus, it put a young woman as the lead character. It was beautfully photographed. It took the best features of the original story, stripped away the extraneous macho fluff and overlong setup and got straight to a compelling story. Prey was a refreshing bit of entertainment, truly unlike anything I can think of. Maybe this was Disney's problem: It was so different they didn't know what to do, so they punted and sent it to cable. Losers.
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