Messenger can be very buggy. I use it but I NEVER click on links. So if you send me something along the lines of how wonderful I am and to click and forward to my five closest friends, I won't do it.
The Messenger scam going around this week teases "Is it you in the Video?" You are receiving this message from someone you recognize, and might click being curious. Don't do it! You are not only exposing your information, but also that of your friends. Read "Is it you in the Video?" Ok you fell for it. Now what. Notify your friends by posting a notice on Facebook, Message them. Change your password. Keep your malware up to date and run scans on a regular basis, and most important of all, VOW never to do that again. I found this link in an old email and I LOVE it. I have a cheap pair of 3D glasses called Cardboard. They are actually cardboard, come in a kit that you assemble and they allow you to see 3D videos or images on your phone, using 3D apps. That’s fun too. This, however, is fun for touring places you have never been, or maybe you have, but you’d like to see again.
The link is HERE. It offers 2,500 Art Museums and Galleries, some national parks, and several zoos and aquariums. It’s better than reading the news ![]() I wouldn’t call myself a tech fiend. I am a nerd, definitely, and it would be fair to say I have a love/hate relationship with tech. My wife is a bit cozier with it however. Yes, I am a little jealous. I am writing today about why we all need a break from technology on a regular basis. You hear stories about people going down a “rabbit hole” of information, or sometimes dis-information. On the WEB, one thing always leads to another, and there is simply no end. Take a break. Stop looking at that screen. Get some fresh air, take a hike, read a book! I did finally finish Moby Dick and I LOVED it. It was funny, endlessly quotable, and I learned a lot about whales. The actual chasing down of Moby Dick is just a small part of it near the end. When someone asks me what I want to drink, “I only drink the tepid tears of orphans”. OK, so the article you should check out is HERE. I like a lot of what it has to say. I’m not sure about downloading a therapy app, on the other hand, we are talking to AI all the time when we call customer support or interact with support in a chat. Perhaps it is OK? Another one, I LOVE my fitness tracker, though it does not rule me as much as it probably should. That seems the opposite of getting away from tech, but it does help me get moving. ![]() As you may remember, I like Linus Tech Tips. He’s usually funny, always interesting, and he goes places I would never go. This particular YouTube video involves the new MacBook Pro and MacBook Air. If you purchased the new MacBook Air, first, congratulations. I really like the new M1 chip. But also, based on your usage of it, you may be able to up the performance with a simple and inexpensive tip. But be warned, if you aren’t careful, you may hurt yourself. Curious? Look HERE. And Other Stuff Not content to leave you pondering the above MacBook situation, I was reading some other stuff from Forbes. It was a recent article of what they think are going to be trends in 2021. So this article includes a thought process involving the Covid world we are in, which was interesting to me. Perhaps to you as well. You can find by clicking HERE. |
Tech TipsThere's a lot of fake information out there. Please be scrupulous about what you share on Facebook and other platforms. Here are some trusted sources. Please don't rely on social media for your information.
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February 2025