There's so much I don't know. It would be an everlasting theme for me to write about.
Some things I learn are counterintuitive. Like what I just read about HERE. It used to be that turning off your car engine at a long stop, say, for a railroad crossing, was a way to save gas. Then some said the restarting of the car engine used more gas than was saved by turning off the car. I'm sure there's a way to calculate all that. Our hybrid car does that automatically. That's the theory about ending apps on your iPhone. I frequently end apps that are running on my iPhone. I figured that getting rid of apps I'm not currently looking at would save battery life, and help with performance. Apparently, I was wrong, at least according to that article. Apple is so efficient with the handling of apps not in the foreground that ending them, just to start them up later, is less efficient and more energy intensive. Read it Here. I was poking around for tech tips and saw this one. There are many links on the interweb for teaching you how to do this. I chose a YouTube vide because I like to watch stuff. That’s how I learn.
I didn’t know you could do this, use your iPad as a second monitor. I know a lot of people who like to have a second monitor while working. I knew someone, Cherry, who had me setup a third monitor for her at Ghost Ranch. She was a great worker and very productive so, I guess it worked. I just have one monitor, but it is rather large. If you want a second monitor and you already have an iPad, or, if you want a second monitor for your laptop when you travel, then using your iPad could be just the thing. This is already built into the newer Macs and iPads, so watch the video and give it a try. If you have a PC or older Apple devices, then there are apps to help accomplish this. Watch the video HERE. It looks fairly straight forward, especially for a Mac. The guy suggests a $10 app for the PC, though he also mentions a free one. He thinks the paid version is easier. Check it out and let me know what you think. I just learned a shortcut that I’ve wanted and didn’t know existed. Shift + F3 will toggle between all caps or all lowercase for selected text.
How about talking to your computer? Only chumps type. Press the Windows key + H to open the dictation toolbar. Press the microphone and when it’s ready, start talking. I just used it for that bolded line. (If not already enabled, click the link that pops up to turn it on) So, if your deaf like me, then you are probably not satisfied with your TV sound. I do like our sound bar, that helps a lot, but invariably, we have subtitles on all the time, not just for those great Scottish shows. There are actually settings in the TV that can help enhance the audio, in particular, the speech. Speech uses some different frequencies and your TV may be able to help with that. A link to a good article on that is HERE. I’ve written in the past about protecting your computer as best you can. One of the programs I still recommend is Malwarebytes. I buy a license for Malwarebytes for our family’s computers. I do not, however, pay for antivirus programs like Mcafee or Norton, I use Windows Defender, which comes with the computer. Then there’s the whole discussion of VPN sites, and whether any of it matters anyway. Everyone has an opinion and ultimately, you need to do what you are comfortable with. I am including an NBC article on the subject HERE. Keeping your computer or device up-to-date is certainly one of the most important things you can do to safeguard it. Paying attention is also critical, as many attacks arrive in the guise of an email from a friend or family member. Messages that are threatening from a delivery service, a bank, the IRS, that sort of thing, are also a common source of danger. Be aware of the style of a ‘threat’. An email containing a link and nothing personal, even from someone I know, I just delete. An email may say it’s from someone you know, but spoofing allows malicious emails to disguise themselves as someone else, anyone. Make a backup. In the cloud or to an external drive, make sure anything you don’t want to lose is in 2 places, minimum. Cloud storage is great as a backup because that service puts it on servers that are very secure, safe, and they are also backed up. Cloud storage is available anywhere there is internet, another handy feature. So let’s say you just bought a new device and you’re giving me the old one. While you trust me to wipe the drive to protect your privacy, you still want to reset it before you give it to me. Here are some things to remember.
For a PC or Mac computer, you can reset the device. If you reset your iPad or iPhone, you need to disassociate it from your account FIRST, then reset it to factory. Same with a Kindle. If that seems confusing, it kind of is. Because of security, Apple devices are particularly associated with the owner. They allow find me options, data across devices, and cloud backups. All that means the device is tightly connected to your Apple sign-on, and therefore, a reset will wipe the data, but the device will still remember you. It’s sweet really. And annoying. I am sometimes given devices that are still connected to the prior owner and there isn’t anything I, or law enforcement, can do about it. So, on an Apple device, you need to go into settings, and sign-out of your iCloud account, your Apple account, and turn of the Find My option. For a PC, you can go into Start, System, Troubleshoot, and reset the PC and save, or not save, the data, depending on what you are doing. I have some links that will help, instead of my gibberish. For iPhone, iPad, iPod, look HERE. For Android or iPhone, look HERE. For a Mac, look at THIS. For a PC, see This. or this |
Tech TipsThere's a lot of fake information out there. Please be scrupulous about what you share on Facebook and other platforms. Here are some trusted sources. Please don't rely on social media for your information.
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December 2024