![]() I’m not a hacker in the traditional sense. I don’t hack into computers, businesses, governments, systems, etc. Hacking has a less sinister meaning nowadays, hacking as a way to use something not in its original design specs. There are lots of articles on this, like hacking your refrigerator to be a race car. OK, maybe not that specifically, but it can be from making yogurt in your cooler, to converting your old pc into a file server - to converting your long skirts into a mid length dress. So the term ‘hack’ has become more ubiquitous, applying to most anything. I like finding more uses for things. In some cases, it’s because I don’t have what I need, and in others, it’s to give something another life. I especially love upgrading older computers to a stage where they can compete or be useful as new computers. That’s simply is not always possible, but sometimes it works. I’m not going to save all my old tennis balls and make my clothes from them, but you know, there’s somebody out there doing that sort of thing. If you have something, like old tennis balls, you can just Google: Tennis ball hacks, and you’ll see all kinds of weird suggestions. Sometimes there will actually be something clever you might consider. That gets us to our computer alternatives. But I’ll have to save that for next week. Comments are closed.
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February 2025