Looking for tech tips, I scour the internet day in and day out, trying to find fantastic info for your reading pleasure. I sometimes don’t find much, and sometimes, I find something pretty good.
Today’s has some good tips. I already knew about #5, very useful: Google an equation like 12 x 12 and it gives the answer, however, you can also Google a conversion. For instance, "1 ounce to grams" yields the answer even before you hit enter. The Bonus tip at the end, open PDF’s in Word, I didn’t know you could do that. After it’s open you can save it as an editable Word doc. The link to this website is HERE. https://www.premworx.com/10-quick-and-easy-tech-tips/ Comments are closed.
Tech TipsThere's a lot of fake information out there. Please be scrupulous about what you share on Facebook and other platforms. Here are some trusted sources. Please don't rely on social media for your information.
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