You’ve probably thought about what will happen to your finances, your possessions and maybe even your real estate when you die. But what about your Facebook account? Or your hard-drive backups?
For the past two decades, most of us in the modern world have gradually shifted our central living space online. That’s 20-ish years of documenting our real-life experiences while also creating entirely new versions of ourselves in countless places online. These digital lives are basically immortal, so you may as well figure out while you’re still alive what will happen to them after you’re gone. There are two main things to consider: What will happen to your accounts and what will happen to the data contained therein. For example, you can give someone authority to delete your Google account and to download all your photos stored there after you die. Read Full Article
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Tech TipsThere's a lot of fake information out there. Please be scrupulous about what you share on Facebook and other platforms. Here are some trusted sources. Please don't rely on social media for your information.
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