While on vacation I received several threatening voicemails saying there was an arrest warrant out for me and that I needed to respond to this call.
Just so you know, it isn’t true. That is just another scam going on. I wasn’t answering any phone calls while I was in Scotland. In fact, I didn’t even know my phone would receive a phone call while there. The only one’s I did get were those scam calls, which I have never received while home. I don’t know what that means, however, I do know it’s a scam. My iPhone, and your phone too, translates voicemail into text so I can see what a caller said without playing the call. It’s a handy feature, though it doesn’t always understand the caller so there are often blanks in the transcription. Still, it became obvious there was a scam going on as I was getting several of these calls one after another, from Washington, DC, and then other calls that simply said to enter a short string of numbers. So as a reminder, DON’T DO IT! Washington, DC isn’t calling to tell you to turn yourself in. I generally don’t answer the phone if I don’t recognize the number or person’s name. Unfortunately, spoofing allows malicious folks to enter a fake name or number so that’s not foolproof. I do listen to my voicemails, but I’m not very timely I’m afraid. The transcription is a big help and I didn’t know about it until about a month ago. Go onto your phone and check that feature out, it’s pretty neat.
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